California Lawyers Who Will Put You First

Put An End To Unfair Workplace Practices

Employers do not always have their workers’ best interests in mind. If your employer has violated your employment law rights, you deserve to put a stop to your unfair treatment. At Kitsinian Law Firm, we can help you with this.

We represent employees in the Los Angeles area who have suffered the injustice and indignity of an employment law violation. With more than 30 years of combined experience, we handle a variety of employment issues:

  • Discrimination based on race, gender, age, nation of origin, disability or religion
  • Sexual harassment
  • Wage and hour violations
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) issues
  • Safety violations
  • Improper classification of employees
  • Wrongful demotion or termination

Contact us if you need legal help putting a stop to unfair treatment in the workplace. Our strong and compassionate team is ready to advocate for your rights.

Sexual Harassment: What To Know

Although California has some of the toughest anti-sexual harassment laws in the nation, women from all industries still report experiencing it at work. Men can also experience sexual harassment, though this is less common. Sexual harassment has many forms, including:

  • Repeated unwanted romantic or sexual advances
  • Groping or unwanted physical contact
  • Posting inappropriate pornographic material
  • Inappropriate jokes or comments
  • Offers of promotion in exchange for sexual favors

No one should have to endure any one of these incidents. In our decades of experience, we have helped hundreds of women and men hold the perpetrator accountable, end the harassment permanently and recover compensation for their damages.

In addition to employment law challenges, do you have issues with insurance claim denials or severe injuries? We can help you with these.

Learn About Your Rights In A Free Consultation

If you need to end unfair practices and establish a safe, dignified and fair work environment, you can place your trust in us. Our lawyers can sit down with you to discuss whether you have a case. Then, we can decide the steps to take next. To schedule a free initial consultation about your rights as an employee, call 818-471-4132 or send us an email.