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Insurance Bad Faith Denial Of Claim Lawyers

Have you been denied an insurance claim?

What can you do when something catastrophic happens and your insurance company refuses to make good on their promise?

The Los Angeles bad faith insurance lawyers at the Kitsinian Law Firm are skilled at representing individuals who have been denied insurance claims by their insurance companies. Our lawyers are tenacious and determined to get the best results on your behalf.

Insurance bad faith is a legal term that describes a suit an insured brings against an insurance company for denying a claim or postponing payment for an unreasonable amount of time. Under the law, insurance companies are supposed to operate fairly and in good faith with their policyholders.

However, the unfortunate reality is that insurance companies often deny responsibility to otherwise rightful claims. They will deny your claim for any number of reasons; excuses designed just to prevent you from recovering what is rightfully yours. Unless and until you hire an attorney, your insurance company could spend years giving you the run around to keep your money in their pockets.

You should make sure you do not give your insurer any reason to deny your claim. We advise that you stay off social media. Assume you are being watched and monitored. It’s not being paranoid – it’s being smart. And do not attempt to negotiate with the insurance company yourself. They have teams of lawyers and professionals whose job it is to find reasons not to pay claims. Insurance contracts are complicated instruments, and insurance law is complicated. Our advice is to immediately contact a lawyer experienced in insurance claim denials or bad faith cases.

If you are having trouble with an insurance claim, contact the Kitsinian Law Firm online for a free consultation or call at 818-471-4132.