California Lawyers Who Will Put You First

Is Your Insurer Refusing To Pay For Property Damage?

Losing your belongings in a traumatic incident is a horrible feeling. Compounding this feeling is your insurance company’s refusal to honor its policy with you. When an insurer denies your claim or denies you full coverage for no valid reason, you have a case for bad faith on your hands.

Our lawyers at Kitsinian Law Firm know how to stand up to insurance companies, no matter how powerful they are. We have helped clients throughout California hold their insurers accountable for bad faith denials of property damage claims. We will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the settlement or award that you need.

The Most Common Causes Of Property Damage

You purchased your insurance policy to protect you in case of a catastrophe. Unfortunately, a catastrophe struck and destroyed your property. Some of the most common incidents that prompt property damage claims include:

  • Earthquakes
  • Fires
  • Floods
  • Mudslides
  • Theft
  • Lightning, hail and strong winds

No matter the incident that damaged your home or belongings, we know how to approach your case. By gathering evidence and demonstrating the bad faith shown by your insurance provider, we can build a persuasive claim on your behalf.

Fearless Litigators Standing Up To Insurance Companies

We are not afraid to file a lawsuit if this is what it takes to recover maximum compensation. Your insurance company does not want a lawsuit on its hands. When it hears that our team of litigators will take your bad faith claim to trial, it can grant us the upper hand in negotiations. It also shows that you are serious about making your insurer honor its end of the contract.

Get The Property Damage Coverage You Deserve

You should not have to grapple with an insurance company after suffering property damage. We can put an end to it. Reach out to us for a free initial consultation to learn more about bad faith insurance claims. To contact our Los Angeles office, send us an email or call 818-471-4132.