California Lawyers Who Will Put You First

You Have Questions; We Have Answers

The aftermath of a car accident is fraught with complicated paperwork, red tape, insurance considerations and many other challenges. Without a doubt, you have many questions about the steps you should take, your rights and many other details.

We at Kitsinian Law Firm can answer these questions. With more than 30 years of combined experience serving California clients, our attorneys have the knowledge you need following a car crash of any variety. This page contains some of the questions they hear most often and the answers that they have provided.

What steps should I take after a car accident?

You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and confused after a car crash. This is perfectly normal. However, if you have the presence of mind, try to:

  1. Call the police to write an accident report
  2. Seek medical treatment immediately
  3. Get the name, insurance information and contact information of the other driver/s
  4. Get the names and contact information of any witnesses
  5. Take photos of the accident scene

These steps can make filing a claim and recovering full compensation much easier.

What should I say to my insurance representative?

Do not speak to anyone from your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company. Insurers do not want to pay the full amount of money that you need. Their representatives have methods of getting you to admit fault or getting you to accept a lower offer than you deserve. Instead, tell them that you will not speak to them without an attorney.

Insurance claims vs. personal injury lawsuits: Which should I file?

An insurance claim is when you request that your insurance company cover your damages from an accident. The other party involved in the accident may also need to file an insurance claim to get their insurer to cover your damages. Filing a claim is common after most car accidents.

A personal injury lawsuit is when you sue the other party, their insurance company or your own insurance company for compensation for your damages. These are much rarer than insurance claims. Typically, you will only file an injury suit if the insurance companies do not offer you a fair settlement.

Do I need a lawyer?

Although you have the option of handling your case on your own, this is not always a wise choice. Attorneys understand the law inside and out. They know the deadlines to follow, the procedures you must obey and how to recover maximum compensation.

Do You Have More Questions? We Have More Answers.

This list encompasses only a few of the questions that we hear every day. When you make a free consultation with us, you can speak directly with one of our staff members to get answers to all your questions. To reach our Los Angeles office, please call 818-471-4132 or send us an email.