California Lawyers Who Will Put You First

Standing Up For Your Rights After A Hit-And-Run

Experiencing a hit-and-run accident is incredibly frightening and infuriating. You deserve to hold the perpetrator of the incident accountable for their actions. You also deserve high-quality legal help from attorneys who understand California’s hit-and-run laws.

This is where we can help you. We at Kitsinian Law Firm are a team of attorneys that helps the survivors and relatives of hit-and-run accidents. At our Los Angeles firm, we handle hit-and-run crashes of all varieties, including those that involve bicycles, pedestrians and commercial vehicles. You can rely on us to help you recover compensation for your damages as we help you stand up for your rights.

What To Know About Hit-And-Run Accidents In California

The state has certain laws to address hit-and-run cases. Under California Vehicle Code §20002, drivers who strike another vehicle may not leave the scene of the accident without leaving their contact information for the victim. Failure to comply with this law is a misdemeanor that can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.

When Someone Dies In A Hit-And-Run

In some terrible instances, car accidents leave one or more people dead. If the driver who caused this accident leaves the scene, it becomes a felony hit-and-run under California Penal Code §20001. This can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and up to one year in jail. If you lost a loved one to a hit-and-run, you could seek compensation for funeral costs and loss of companionship in addition to compensation for common personal injury damages.

Ask For Help From Our Team

You should not have to handle the complex paperwork and other legal details that accompany a hit-and-run. Instead, work with us so you can focus on your everyday life. To schedule a completely free consultation, call 818-471-4132 or send us an email.