California Lawyers Who Will Put You First

Burn Injuries

Recovering from burn injuries can be a traumatic, painful and lengthy process. It’s essential for victims of a burn injury to have effective counsel to ensure they receive the necessary compensation for their injuries and the right treatment to properly heal. It is important to hire an experienced Los Angeles burn injury lawyer.

One thing you should know is that even if you are partially to blame for your injuries, you could still be awarded partial damages. It is important that you speak to an attorney experienced in burn injury cases to know for sure if you have the right to seek damages.

Generally speaking, burn injury cases usually result from negligence, premises liability (an unsafe environment) or product defect. Each of the three types of cases involves meeting specific criteria to prove your case. In a negligence case, for example, it must be proven that the defendant breached a duty of care to the plaintiff and that the injuries are a result of the defendant breaching that duty. In a lawsuit based on product defect, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant designed, manufactured or sold the product that caused the burn injury; the product contained the defect(s) when it left the defendant; the plaintiff used the product correctly; and that the product defect contributed to the plaintiff’s burn injuries.

The Kitsinian Law Firm handles burn injuries arising from:

  • Hot surfaces
  • Chemical burns
  • Explosions
  • Hot liquids
  • Fire

The Kitsinian Law Firm understands the needs of burn injury victims and has the adequate attorneys, staff and experience to handle a burn injury matter.

There is a time limit on how long you have to file a burn injury case, so don’t delay. If you have suffered from a burn injury, contact the burn injury lawyers at Kitsinian Law Firm at 818-471-4132 or online today for a free consultation.